OverWeight Love w/Comedian THE Pastor Fred!

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What promises to be our most exciting and FUNNIEST show yet, renowned comedian THE Pastor Fred, recently featured on the Kid Kraddick Show will be our special guest on The Inspiring Intimacy Talk Radio Show tommorow! Tune in on September 16, 2015 AT 9pm CST (10pm EST) at FBRN.us in the Blue Bowl! You don’t want to miss your chance to listen LIVE so you can call in with your questions and comments!!! All info for tuning in is below. LET’S SHARE LIFE!

The Inspiring Intimacy Talk Radio Show airs LIVE every Wednesday night from 9pm to 11pm CST (10PM to 12am EST)!

Listen live Online at http://www.fbrn.us/_player/blueindex.html

Listen on your mobile device or phone by downloading the TuneIn App, and searching for FBRN, the Blue Bowl. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS APP TO LISTEN ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE!

To ask a question or make a comment dial 214-431-5062.
Look forward to talking to you on the air!


Intimate Confessions: Your Words Frame Your Relationship!


Intimate Confessoins: Don’t ever think that you can stop saying “I love you” to the one you love. The day you think you don’t have to say it anymore, is the day that you are leaving the future of your relationship to chance. In your silence, the enemy is always speaking.

Tip: If satan could talk the woman out of believing what God said, how much more can he talk your lady or guy out of believing what you have said? Don’t be foolish! Words are life and power. You frame your relationship with the words you speak: If you are not framing it with your words, it is being framed by the words of someone or something else. SPEAK LIFE EVERYDAY!

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~Insights from Dr. Intimacy~ © 2015, Laneen DrIntimacy Haniah

The Inevitable Break

broken cupLast week I discovered that one of my favorite coffee mugs had a large crack across the bottom and up both sides. Although the mug had maintained its form, it was obvious that the crack would eventaully result in a break. I should have thrown the glass away at that point, but because it was one of my favorites, against my better judgement, I kept the glass and continued to use it. The first couple of times I used it, all was well. I washed it several times, and still all was well. After a while, I became confident that the glass would hold up and began to ignore the inevitable and impending break.

This morning, I opened up a brand new box of my favorite gourment instant coffee. I poured it into my favorite, but defective mug, with all confidence that I would momentarily be sipping on some deliciousness. I poured in the coffee powder and the hot water and began to stir. It was then that I heard the unmistakable, creaking sound of the glass cracking. The pressure from the heat put too much strain on the crack and it was about to break. I put the cup down and turned to run to try and get another glass, but before I could take one step, the glass exploded apart and my gourment coffee was spilling all over the place. Not only did the glass break and the coffee spill but the spilled liquid got all over my carpet, seeped under my blu-ray player, saturated a surround sound speaker and got on my clothes.

My dominating thought at the moment was, “I should have thrown this away when I first realized that the break was inevitable!” When it was all said and done, not only did I have to throw the glass out anyway, I also had to throw out the speaker and blu-ray player and spend a lot of time cleaning up the mess that was left behind.

MORAL OF THE STORY: This is how relationships are at times. The relationship is deeply cracked from the inside-out and there is no way to fix it. You can see the crack and an eventual break is inevitable, but because this person means so much to you, you continue to function as if all is well. You ignore the warning signs and keep pouring more into it, expecting to enjoy a benefit that you will never reap, not considering what you can lose or what it may cost you.  You don’t consider what may happen when the contents of the inevitable break seep into other areas of your life. When the ill effects of all of the lost emotion, time, energy and effort that you have continuously poured into the relationship begin to affect your other relationships, your job, your health, your ministry, your goals, etc., not only will it damage or destroy those things, it will cost you time to clean up the messy aftermath of the break!

Although there was no way for me to prevent the glass from breaking, once it was cracked, I could have greatly mitigated my damages by heeding the warning signs; throwing the glass out when I first knew the break was inevitable. Just like a cracked glass will eventually break under the pressure of hot liquid, so will a defective relationship inevitably break under the pressure of life’s challenges. Relationships never end without warning. Heed the warning and cut your lossess before they become even more expensive.

Never pour something valuable into something broken…

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~Insights from Dr. Intimacy~ © 2015, Laneen DrIntimacy Haniah


Intimate Confessions: It’s Not You, It’s Them!

couple-arguing 2

Intimate Confessions: Often times when someone is ready to end a relationship and they don’t know how to execute the break up or have no justifiable reason to do so, they will manufacture discord and project blame onto the other party.

Tip: If someone seems to enjoy arguing with you, tends to find fault with you in every disagreement and seems to present ending the relationship as the solution for every altercation, take the hint! The person is trying to bait you into ending things because they don’t have the courage to do so themselves. Either get into counseling quickly in order to resolve the issues in the relationship or go ahead and give them the end that they want. If you don’t, you will subject yourself to continual abuse!

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~Insights from Dr. Intimacy~ © 2015, Laneen DrIntimacy Haniah

Intimate Confession: Unconditonal Forgiveness


Intimate Confessions: “But when I said we would be friends for life and I let you into my heart, I meant it. When I said I Love You For Eternity, I meant it. And along with the word LOVE must come unconditional forgiveness. The two have to go hand in hand. A person who you won’t forgive is a person that becomes your enemy. An unforgiven person is a condemned and unloved person…”

Tip: It is impossible to fully LOVE someone and yet hold unforgiveness in your heart toward them. And guess what? Partial and/or conditional forgiveness is NOT forgiveness at all. You don’t forgive someone in “degrees” as they earn it. You forgive them fully and unconditionally, even BEFORE they ask for it, simply because that is what LOVE does… Selah.

~Insights from Dr. Intimacy~ © 2015, Laneen DrIntimacy Haniah

Intimate Confessions: Is It Jealousy or Something Else?

empty heart
Intimate Confessions: “What you call jealousy has nothing to do with me being jealous of you or your relationship with that other person. It has everything to do with a void that has been created in my life because of you taking what I have been pouring into you, and instead of pouring it back into me, pouring it into someone else. You are filling them up and leaving me empty…”
Tip: Before you are so quick to accuse someone of being jealous, stop and consider whether or not you are behaving in a way that facilitates insecurity in the relationship. Any intuitive and discerning person is going to notice and respond to warning signs! That is not jealousy, that is them protecting what they value.
~Insights from Dr. Intimacy~ (c) copyright 2015 Laneen DrIntimacy Haniah